Nala's CD reviewed on the Daily Sun

Nala''s new album MALUSI WAMI is making waves. It recently made the news when it was reviewd by the biggest newspapaer in South Africa: Daily Sun. 

Commenting on the album, the article stated: Nala' has compiled an album that is sure to bring back some childhood memories. Her offering titled 'Malusi Wami' is a gospel album which includes all our favourites' tunes and is comforting to listen to. The 11 track album reconnects songs that we grew up listening but are sung in a different way. 

Nala graces Morning Live

Its a new year 2017 and Nala has started the year with a bang. She appeared on SABC 2's biggest show, MORNING LIVE. The songstress was interviewed and then performed music from her debut album MALUSI WAMI.

The album is available on Google Play, Spotify and Amazon. Get it now.

Nala's new album coming soon: Malusi Wami

Songstress and songwriter Nala has complited her debut album, Malausi Wami. The eleven tracked album will be available in degistal stores for all to buy soon. Remeber the title: MalusiWami